Open SDG site configuration

This form will produce the site configuration for your Open SDG implementation.

If these settings are used, usage statistics will be sent to Google Analytics. These are optional, and you don't have to use all of them. Typically you would just use one, such as the 'ua' option.

This can contain breadcrumb settings for each of the supported collection types: goal, indicator, and post. Each should have a list of label/path objects.

Information about your country (or region, locality, etc.)

This setting can be used to automatically create the goal pages.

This setting can be used to automatically create the indicator pages.

This setting can be used to automatically create the pages.

Deprecated: instead of using this, it is recommended to put custom CSS in a _sass/custom.scss file.

This setting can be used to load additional JavaScript files on each page.

This setting controls the URL of the 'Edit Data' buttons that appear on the staging site's indicator pages.

Control the names of fields used for special purposes in data.

This setting can be used to control date formats for use in the site, such as in the news/category/post layouts. Any number date formats can be entered, and each must have an arbitrary type, such as `standard`. Make sure that each type has a variant for each of your languages.

This setting controls the content of the disclaimer that appears at the top of each page.

Email addresses to publish on your platform.

This setting controls the text that will display for any metadata field which has no content. Note that this is not used if 'hide_empty_metadata' is true.

This setting controls the text that will display for any sources field which has no content. Note that this is not used if 'hide_empty_metadata' is true.

Which environment (staging or production) this configuration is for.

This setting controls the type of language toggle to be used in the footer.

The links to display in the footer menu.

This setting is only used in the frontpage-alt layout. It can display any number of 'cards' in 3-column rows, beneath the grid of goal tiles.

This setting is only used in the frontpage-alt layout. It can display a title and description above the grid of goal tiles.

This setting is only used in the frontpage-alt layout. It can display a title and description in a banner at the top of the frontpage.

This setting controls the base URL for downloading the imagery for the goals.

This setting controls the type of file (the file extension) that will be used for the goal images.

This setting is used in the 'goals' layout. It can display a title and description above the grid of goal tiles.

This setting can be used to customize the color used in the chart 'headlines'.

This setting can be used to customize the color used in the chart 'headlines' in high-contrast mode.

This setting can be used to customize the color set used in the charts.

This setting can be used to define a set of colors to be used in the charts. This is only used when graph_color_set is 'custom'.

This setting can be used to limit the length of the list of colors selected via graph_color_set.

This setting can be set to `true` to use the selected series for the graph title, whenever possible.

This setting controls the type of language toggle to be used in the header.

This setting can be used to hide any metadata fields that are empty.

This setting can be used to hide the 'Series' toggle on indicators where there is only one choice.

This setting can be used to hide the 'Unit' toggle on indicators where there is only one choice.

An optional list of data columns that should not appear as disaggregation drop-downs in the left sidebar.

Configuration of the indicator configuration form.

Configuration of the indicator data form.

Configuration of the indicator metadata form.

Assign content for the indicator tabs.

This setting controls the languages to be used on the site.

This setting can be used if you are not happy with any of the standard language codes.

This setting can be used to control the main logo (or logos).

Configure any number of layers to display on all indicator maps. A minimum of one layer is required to display maps.

Site-wide configuration of map behavior and style.

The links to display in the main menu.

This setting controls the URL of the 'Edit Metadata' buttons that appear on the staging site's indicator pages.

This setting can control the metadata tabs which appear on the indicator pages.

This setting can be used to add custom meta tags at any paths.

Configuration related to news updates and posts.

This setting is used in the 'goal-with-progress' layout. It controls the behavior of progress status functionality.

Configuration for turning the platform into a progressive web app for offline usage.

Configuration for the proxy indicator functionality.

Specify the URL of the 'data service' that is generated from your data repository.

This setting is used in the 'reportingstatus' layout. It can display a title and description above the reporting status page.

The URL of your data repository, eg:

The URL of your site repository, eg:

This setting can be used to give a boost to one or more fields in the search index.

This setting can be used to index additional metadata fields in your indicators, for the purposes of affecting the site-wide search.

Configuration of the site configuration form.

This setting can be used to specify data columns to be considered 'time-series attributes' and displayed in the footer.

If checked, this will require that all indicators have valid Open SDG indicator configuration.

If checked, this will require valid site configuration.

A label beneath the X axis on charts. This is overridden by the same indicator configuration setting.